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On the first Sunday of each month our faith community gathers around the Table of our Lord to receive the gifts of God in bread and cup. We also bring our gifts to be shared with those in our community who find themselves hungry and in need of food.

This coming Sunday’s Opening Prayer (for Proper 8, Year B, in the Revised Common Lectionary) is based on 2 Corinthians 8:7-15. Please feel free to use this prayer in worship, whether it be your own private prayer or that of your community of faith.

Generous God,
whose very word is life,
whose presence is peace,
and whose promise is hope,
we give thanks for this new day!

Your grace unfolds before our eyes
as we come face to face with the One
who though he was rich became poor for our sakes.

Through this generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ
we are invited into a rich relationship with you.

Grant that as we worship and grow in grace
the genuineness of our love for you
will excel in our eagerness to live generous lives
and to give from our present abundance
to meet the needs of our neighbors the world over.

So that we might live into your coming Realm. Amen.

Words (c) 2012 Mark Lloyd Richardson
Permission to use with attribution.